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BROOKFIELD VISCOMETER[12 Feb. 2012, 21:36:42]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
Kemas & Pengiriman1 UNIT
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat

Now it' s improved with a multi-speed electronic drive and ergonomically designed speed control knob.

Quickly select any one of 10 pre-set speeds ( 8 speeds on LVT models) .
This new direct-drive design means extremely quiet operation and greater versatility.
The new Universal Power Supply facilitates the use of worldwide power sources.

Features & Benefits :
Continuous torque sensing capability
Torque measurement accuracy: 1% of full scale range
Repeatability: 0.2% of full scale range
Easy speed adjustment and on/ off control
Compatible with all Brookfield accessories
NIST traceable viscosity standards available
Electronic drive means quiet, reliable operation
Universal power supply worldwide compatibility


Model Range RPM No of increments No of Spindles
LVT 15 - 2.000.000 Cps .3 - 60 8 4
RVT 100 - 8.000.000 Cps .5 - 100 10 6
HAT 200 - 16.000.000 Cps .5 - 100 10 6
HBT 800 - 64.000.000 Cps .5 - 100 10 6
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