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PT Intaran IndonesiaPT Intaran Indonesia
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Tn. Ade Sukarsa [Pemasaran]

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Jl. Mertasari - Kerobokan
Denpasar 80361, Bali

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Info Perusahaan
Tanggal Bergabung: 24 May. 2023, Terakhir Diperbarui: 13 Feb. 2010
Sifat Dasar Usaha: Pabrikan, Dagang dari kategori Agraris

Penjelasan Ringkas

PT Intaran Indonesia ingin memperkenalkan diri sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang agroindustri yang berbasis tanaman intaran atau neem ( Azadirachta indica A. Juss) . Selain mengolah bahan dari tanaman neem PT. Intaran Indonesia juga mengembangkan tanaman neem untuk penghijauan lahan kritis bekerja sama dengan beberapa lembaga yang konsen dengan penyelamatan lingkungan.
Produk-produk kami adalah :
* * Produk Pertanian
- Neem Oil 6200ppm
- NeemBa Oil ( Organic Pesticide )
- NeemBa Pest Control
- Neem Cake ( Soil Conditioner )
- NeemBa Organic Fertilizer

* * Natural Neem Soap & Shampoo
a. NeemBa Soap
b. NeemBa Shampoo
c. Liquid Soap

* * Hasil Panen :
- Vanilla Planifolia
- Vanilla Black Tahiti / Tahitensis

Produk / Jasa Utama

Menjual :
  • Neem Oil
    Neem is one of the most valuable multi-purpose species least exploited amongst tropical trees for its potential. It is outstanding example of the species which is highly efficient in restoring soil productivity and simultaneously providing fodder, fire wood and other products to meet basic needs in the rural households like medicines, pesticide, mosquito repellants, fertilizers, diabetic food, lubricants, gums, agricultural implements, tooth paste, and tooth brush sticks.
    Active Ingredients: Azadirachtin, Nimbin, Nimbidin, Meliantriol, Salanin.
    Contents: Nitrogen 2.2%, Phosphor 0.858 ppm, Potassium 1.268 ppm, and other components up to 100%.
    Insects Controlled by Neem Oil: Larva, Moth, Bumble Bee Larva, Grasshoppers, Leave Worm, Cotton Disease, Bumble Bee Leaves, other types of insects, and some viruses and fungus.
    Using Neem Oil (per 10 liters):
    1. Placed 50-70 ml Neem Oil into 1 liter of water and stir fast thoroughly becomes an emulsion.
    2. Add emulsion into 9 liters of water and stir fast thoroughly.
    3. It can directly use to spray the plantation.
    4. Spray on leaves and surround the roots.
    5. Best time suggested is before 08.00 am and after 04.00 pm for application.
    Neem Oil suitable for plant are as follows:
    Vegetables Plant (spinach, lettuce, cabbage, beans, potato, carrot, green vegetables, etc.), Cereal Plant (rice, corn, sorghum, etc.), Nursery Plant (Palm, Heliconia sp., etc.), Fruits Plant (mango, banana, orange, etc.), Annual Plant (coffee, clove, coconut, tobacco, cacao, vanilla plant, etc.).
    Others benefit of Neem Oil:
    Neem Oil effectively control fungus, viruses, mosquito chase, ant, overcome the skin disease, and even flea on your pet.
  • Neem Capsuls
    Azadirachta indica or known as neem tree has many benfits in traditional medicine. Through research and study, neems leaf is effective for lowering, high glucose level on blood, diabetes, malaria, migraine, TBC, allergies, rheumatics, reduce nicotine effect, it is also enriched by carbohidrat, fibres and essential amino acid.
    Product spec :
    1 bottle consist of 50 Capsules @ 500mg
    Composition 100% Azadirachta Indica.
    Self life 2 years
  • Neem Cake Powder
    Active Ingredients: Azadirachtin, Nimbin, Nimbidin, Meliantriol, Salanin.
    Contents: Nitrogen 6.5%, Phosphor 4.0 ppm, Potassium 3.6 ppm, Carbon 1.2%, Sulfur 1.2%, and other components up to 100%.
    Directions for use:
    1. Clean up the field.
    2. Treat soil approximately 30 cm in depth.
    3. Spread Neem Cake on the surface thoroughly (dose 0.5 Kg Neem Cake per square meter).
    4. Mix Neem Cake with the soil intensively.
    5. Moisten during a week before planting.
    Neem Cake suitable for plant are as follows:
    Vegetables Plant (spinach, lettuce, cabbage, beans, potato, carrot, green vegetables, etc.), Cereal Plant (rice, corn, sorghum, etc.), Nursery Plant (palm, Heliconia sp., rose, orchid, etc.), Fruits Plant (mango, banana, orange, etc.), Others Plant (coffee, clove, coconut, tobacco, cacao, vanilla plant, etc.).
  • Neem Leaves Powder
    Neem Leaves Powder
    Fiber: more than 15%
    moisture: 6%
    Other materials(flower&stalk etc):less than1%
    60mesh pass:100%
    Residual agricultural chemicals:less than0.01mg/ kg
    Heavy metal:10ppm.
    Neem leaves are widely used to cure a number of human and animal diseases. The physio-chemical properties of neem leaves help to maintain the overall well being. Leaves are also used to manufacture a number of drugs and medicines. They have been traditionally used to give bath to patients suffering from measles or chicken pox.
    Neem leaves are generally gathered only from organic trees, this is so, because it ensures the protection of natural elements and reduction of contamination by environmental/ synthetic toxins.
    Agricultural : Neem leaves are of tremendous use in agricultural industry; the leaves possess insect repellent properties and are used as herbal pesticides, insecticides. Azadirachtin is the principle ingredient used in the manufacture of fertilizers and manure.
  • Neem Transparent Soap
    NeemBa Transparent Soap
    Kombinasi dua bahan super aktif untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit dan wajah, Neem Oil dan madu, sudah terkenal sejak berabad-abad yang lalu.
    Neem oil yang terkenal sebagai anti bacteri, anti jamur dan anti virus, mampu menjaga kulit dari ancaman berbagai kuman, virus dan jamur penyebab penyakit kulit.
    Kandungan moisturenya memberikan kelembaban kulit sepanjang hari sekaligus meremajakan kulit yang rusak akibat sinar UV.
    Madu memiliki khasiat memberikan kelembutan, keremajaan serta menjaga kulit tetap bersinar.

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